Building a

We are Herefordshire Community Foundation (HCF), an independent charity raising funds locally and giving grants to those most in need across the county.

Latest initiatives to change local lives

Current appeals and grants, plus latest news.

Internationally Renowned Artist Blacksmith Inspires Next Generation, Thanks to Support from New Fund

Internationally Renowned Artist Blacksmith Inspires Next Generation, Thanks to Support from New Fund

Sixty-five artist blacksmith undergraduates at Hereford College of Arts (HCA) have enjoyed a unique opportunity to learn from distinguished Australian…

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George’s Fund gives new grants to children’s outdoor projects in Herefordshire

George’s Fund has awarded £38,476 to ten projects across Herefordshire that use the power of nature to help children. Set…

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Support for Herefordshire Schools to attend the Hay Festival

Last year, the Herefordshire Community Foundation was pleased to support schools across Herefordshire to be part of Hay Festival’s Programme…

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HCF launches Surviving Winter Appeal

HCF launches Surviving Winter Appeal

Fuel poverty adversely impacts upon health and well-being through associated financial hardship and by increasing the risks associated with cold…

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We help the county by…

  • Funding local good causes
  • Supporting individuals in need
  • Inspiring charitable giving & philanthropy

Apply for grant support

Our funds target the issues that matter most

With our expert understanding of the county, our funds help tackle specific local challenges.

Surviving Winter Fund

Surviving Winter Fund

Read more: Surviving Winter Fund
Jack Hughes Fund

Jack Hughes Fund

Find out more: Jack Hughes Fund
Appeals & Programmes

What IS a community foundation?

Community foundations are an international movement and there are 47 in the UK  looking after every corner of the country. Working in specific geographic areas, they connect philanthropic people with local causes that matter to them. They build endowments and generate funds to support community needs and local organisations making a difference.  Community foundations offer grant-making programmes funded by donations from individuals, families, businesses as well as grants from other bodies, such as the Government.

Bringing together funds

Distributing to local good causes