Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy

Last Review: August 2023
Current Review: August 2024
Next Review: August 2025

To safeguard both yourself and the Foundation it is recommended that the following guidelines be followed when visiting groups/organisations that involve children or vulnerable adults, or where they may be present. If further information and advice is required refer to Herefordshire Council Safeguarding Board.

All staff should be aware that a child or vulnerable adult might see a representative of the Foundation as someone who can be trusted and therefore disclose certain information to them. Conversely, allegations are sometimes falsely made for a number of reasons, so all members of staff should be aware of situations that could put them in jeopardy.

You must

  • Seek evidence of compliance the groups/organisations who work with children & vulnerable adults have a protection policy & appropriate Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) checks.
  • Treat all children and young people and vulnerable adults with respect.
  • Provide an example of good conduct you wish others to follow.
  • Ensure that whenever possible there is more than one responsible adult present, or within sight/hearing distance, when you are in the company of children or young people or vulnerable adults.
  • Remember that someone may misinterpret your actions, no matter how well intentioned.
  • Be aware that any physical contact may be misinterpreted.
  • Challenge unacceptable behaviour and report any disclosures/suspicions of abuse to the nominated person within the Foundation.
  • If in any doubt about your own safety, visit the applicant group/organisation in pairs.

You must not

  • Rely on a group/organisation who is applying to the Foundation for a grant to have an understanding of their Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy. Check they have a nominated person and that person has been trained.
  • Give or receive gifts/lend or take money or property.
  • Have inappropriate physical or verbal contact with anyone.
  • Allow yourself to be drawn into inappropriate attention seeking behaviour, or make suggestive or derogatory remarks/gestures, in front of anyone.
  • Jump to conclusions without checking facts.
  • Exaggerate or trivialise abuse issues.
  • Show favouritism towards a child or young person or a vulnerable adult.
  • Rely on your good name or that of the Foundation to protect you.
  • Believe it “could never happen to me or someone I know”.
  • Take any chances, leave it for a while, or think you are wrong.

Claire Frowd (Finance Officer) and Sophie Glover (Grants Officer) are the designated safeguarding leads for the Herefordshire Community Foundation and are always willing to discuss any concerns or can signpost you if you want to learn more about these issues.

Claire Frowd: 01432 272550
Sophie Glover : 01432 272550

The above guidelines can be used as a checklist for grant applicant’s Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policies.

Procedures to follow if a child or vulnerable adult discloses abuse:

  • Never promise to keep a secret. Explain that you may have to talk to someone about it and assure them it will be someone who will be able to help.
  • Allow them to decide if they want to continue to open up. Do not push them. If they decide not to disclose, report the incident to the nominated person in the Foundation.
  • Avoid probing, leading or direction questions.
  • Allow them to talk at their own pace, do not pressure them to disclose anything they do not wish to.
  • Do not leave them until they are ready and then discuss the issue immediately with the nominated person. If this is not possible, write a thorough report of the incident and speak to the nominated person as soon as possible. The nominated person will then follow inter-agency procedures as laid down by the Area Child Protection Committee.

Please refer to the Recruitment and Selection Policy and the Trustee Recruitment Policy and Procedures for details of HCF’s DBS disclosure policies for staff and Trustees.