HCF launches Surviving Winter Appeal

Fuel poverty adversely impacts upon health and well-being through associated financial hardship and by increasing the risks associated with cold homes.
Herefordshire is exposed to a number of risk factors for fuel poverty and excess cold, which are linked to its rurality, including below-average earnings; a higher proportion of detached houses (40%), a higher proportion of households not on mains gas grid (37%) and a higher proportion of houses built pre-1900 (39%) (such homes can be more expensive and inefficient to heat).
This year Herefordshire Community Foundation is aware that more people may not be eligible for the Winter Fuel Allowance. Therefore, the need for us to support those unable to heat their homes is more prevalent.
Bridie Sullivan, Chief Executive, explains the thinking behind the appeal: “Many households across Herefordshire live in fuel poverty and struggle with the cost of heating their home. Recent changes to the Winter Fuel Allowance mean some older residents will find it particularly tough to meet the cost of heating their home. Our fuel grants are needed now more than ever. Your donation will support the elderly and vulnerable in Herefordshire to keep warm over winter.“
This is the 13th year that HCF has run the Surviving Winter appeal, which has raised £94,653.10 thanks to the generosity of local donors. Grants are awarded to vulnerable households suffering hardship. We also have a Community Warm Spaces fund for projects which provide warm space and meals to those in need.
Kathy Bland from Leominster Foodbank has told us that: “We have seen unprecedented need in our community for help with food and fuel. People are no longer making the choice between food and fuel, they often cannot afford either. Help with the cost of fuel has a real impact, allowing people to heat their homes and afford to cook nutritious meals.”
Surviving Winter grants are given as a priority to those who are vulnerable, disabled, elderly, supporting small children or suffering with a long-term health condition.
If you can spare any pennies, you may wish to donate online.
Alternatively, ring 01432 272550 to donate over the phone or send a cheque to Herefordshire Community Foundation, The Fred Bulmer Centre, Wall Street, Hereford HR4 9HP (please include a note that it is for Surviving Winter).
Every donation makes a real difference to households who are struggling this winter.