FAQs for Applicants


How are grants assessed?


Family members will make the assessment of their funds and other funds will have representatives from the community and Herefordshire Community Foundation trustees.


How are grants paid?


If your application is successful, our grant will be paid directly into the grant recipient’s bank account by BACS transfer


How long do grant recipients have to take up and spend the grant?


Once we have made you a grant offer, you have three months from the date of the grant offer letter to start spending the grant. You must inform us straight away if you are unable to spend the grant  or cannot use it for the purpose it was awarded.


Once a grant is awarded can a grant recipient change what it is spent on?


By signing the grant acceptance form, you agree to use the grant only for the purposes described in the grant offer letter. If there is a change in your organisation’s circumstances that affects the way the grant can be spent, you must contact us straightaway to discuss this. We will try to be as helpful as possible.


Are grant recipients expected to report back on the use of the grant?


Yes, you will be required to write a monitoring report to confirm that the grant has been used appropriately, and to demonstrate the impact of the activity on the identified need. 

As well as information contained in the monitoring form, we also like to see tangible evidence of the progress of the project, such as publicity material, photographs and feedback from users.

You should also try to include copies of receipts for purchases etc, if appropriate, to support how you spent the money.

We may also arrange to visit your group as part of the monitoring process.

No further grants will be awarded to a group until all outstanding monitoring reports are satisfactorily completed and returned to Herefordshire Community Foundation.


Is there a requirement to acknowledge HCF’s support? 


Yes, under the terms and conditions of the grant, it is required that organisations acknowledge HCF’s support for a project. Our logo must be featured on all publicity materials and HCF must be name-checked in press releases and on videos.

Our social accounts should also be @mentioned on your social posts and stories. We will endeavour to share relevant social content to inspire others.