George’s Fund
A fund which celebrates the short and special life of George Price and promotes the interests of Herefordshire’s primary age children.

About George’s Fund
George’s Fund supports projects aimed at children aged 3 to 11 years old in Herefordshire.
Applications are currently considered on an annual basis, sign up to our e-newsletter for notifications.
Remembering George
George’s Fund was set up by Laura Hughes, one of our trustees, to remember her five-year- old son George.
Laura and her family had their lives turned upside down on 27 August 2020 when their son suddenly became sick. The next day he was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), a highly malignant brain tumour (cancer) which affects children almost exclusively between the ages of 4 and 11. In the consultant’s words, they had been “ hit by lightning”.
They returned home to spend as much time as a family with George and his two brothers, Oscar (then 6) and Harry (then 2). Six weeks later George passed away in the arms of his family.
George’s Fund remembers his short and special life. As Laura explains, “As a mum, one of your jobs is to tell your children that ‘everything is going to be ok’. I couldn’t do that for George, so if we as a family can make a small difference to another child’s life then it will give us huge comfort.”
This Fund is open for donations and all
contributions are very much appreciated.
If you are interested in applying to this Fund,
please contact us to discuss.