Karen Hall

Karen has worked in Herefordshire since 1987 and lived here since 1996. Her first career was in education and training, where she taught IT, and worked with universities across the UK and government agencies in developing policy and quality standards for disabled students in higher education, including as chair of a national representative organisation.
Her ‘second career’ was in social care, as chief executive of Aspire Living, a charity and the largest provider of support for people with learning disability in Herefordshire, to early 2021, which Karen describes as the best job, with the best people, anyone could wish for.
Karen is committed to working with and for the county she loves, and community she lives in. She is particularly passionate about equality of opportunity and personal and community resilience. She lives in the city with her husband Tim and Roly the wire fox terrier.
Karen became a Trustee in January 2021.