Vital Signs
Vital Signs is a community philanthropy guide published by Herefordshire Community Foundation. It is designed to help inform charitable giving and present a concise analysis of social need in the county, together with the views of our community. We hope it will stimulate a discussion around how best we can collaborate with individuals and organisations to offer a strategic response to the complex challenges we face.
Herefordshire is a great place to live and work but rural isolation, lack of transport, low wages and housing costs make it challenging for many. Vital Signs is supported by UK Community Foundations. Based on a prescribed set of categories and measures, Vital Signs reports have been produced for foundations across the UK and the World. Where possible we have included the indicators from Herefordshire’s Sustainable Route Map. The Route Map monitors a range of indicators which measure the county’s sustainability. They were chosen after extensive consultation with local organisations, networks and individuals.
Click on the image to view Vital Signs 2018.